Chairman - Dr. S.A. Joy Raja, M.B.A, Ph.D(USA)
As his father, he is also a visionary and missionary in the field of quality Education . He is graduated in Computer Science and Engineering and Master of Business Administration from USA . He also worked in MNCs in Canada and USA.He has served as consultant for several Multinational projects across Globe. With this background ,he implements all his experiences and his innovative ideas and thoughts into translating our institution into a temple of learning

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The Central Library in the campus is housed in a vast and extensive air conditioned Reading hall and reference hall. It has plenty of spaces for stock hall, reading hall and Periodicals hall. There is a separate reading and lending section which has a seating Capacity of 100 students.The Indian Polytechnic College library is having a collection of 9430 volumes of Books.The library provides facilities for supports teaching and research programmes. The Library is functioning on all days.

Campus Placements
In Placement cell we recommend names of fresh diploma students for placement when requested by Government department / private organisations / companies. We arrange campus interviews for the direct recruitment of final year students. With the active co-operation of the students, we help them to contact various organisations (both public and private) and arrange for in plant training during winter / summer vacations.We organize Placement Training program for improving Student's aptitude skills, Interview skills, Communication skills and leadership quality. Many companies have recruited our students .

Anti Ragging Policy
The following staff are members of the Anti-Ragging Comittee to check ragging of freshers in the college campus.Any Student (Fresher/others) subjected to ragging shall report immediately to any of the staff members listed below for further necessary action. Students co-operation is most solicited.

Accredited by NBA
The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India was initially established by AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) in the year 1987. NBA in its present form, it is an autonomous body from 2010,with the aim of Assurance of Quality and Relevance of Education, especially of programmes in technical disciplines.